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Sobre a Direcçao artistica da Muxima:

Bailarino, Danilo Cardoso, começou sua carreira artistica apresentando e leccionando em diferentes locais no Brasil. Durante 5 anos, integrou a Xstyle Dance Company no Rio de Janeiro.Seus estudos englobam: Moderno – Hip Hop – Acrobacia – Dança Contemporanea – Yoga.

Estuda na Universidade Folkwang, em Essen, na Alemanha. É director e coreógrafo no grupo de dança contemporânea Samadhyana, sediado em Essen.

“Samadhyana is an open company with non fixed dancers directed by Danilo Cardoso. The aim is to give the dancers a chance to be themselves with the choreographer. During four years, about 50 dancers will be involved with the Group, developing a certain character, and getting opportunities of work, research, stage experience and inner discovery. The purpose is that the group fits the proposals of the choreographer. Content is priority in the pieces as well as human development.

 ” It does not matter to be important in the world, but how much importance do we give to it.”


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